Footer Rocks
change is inevitable ...
... growth is optional

Therapy Questionnaire


Available for download in PDF format: Psychosocial Questionnaire

Directions to fill out paperwork online
  1. Open the questionnaire document.
  2. Near the top on the right side of the Adobe Reader window, click on the “Fill & Sign” tab.
  3. Click the “Add Text” option and then go to the document and click on each line and enter your information.
  4. To add a checkmark, go back to the right menu and click “Add Checkmark”. You will have to reselect the “Add Text” option after doing this to continue entering information.
  5. Once you have finished filling out the forms, save the document to your computer.
  6. You can print this document out and bring it to your first session, or email it to us at
Paul Thompson Therapy